What is cosmetic and reconstructive tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing is the process of implanting pigment beneath the surface of the skin for cosmetic or reconstructive purpose. Small, sterile and disposable needle are used to create a natural, life-like or corrective result.

How is an eyebrow tattoo created?

I use many needles and tecniques when I’m tattooing. I take in to consideration your needs, your skin and what technique is going to provide you the best and most life-like results. Microblading is a specific form of tattooing.  To create fine hair strokes, a manual tool with tiny needles are sometimes used. A digital tattoo pen is typically also used to create her-realistic hair patterns depending on the skin. Movement illusion and dimension creates a realistic and natal eyebrow.. I consistently use and utilize multiple techniques as tattoos are not a one size fits all and every client and every face is different.  

How long will my tattoo last and how many sessions will I need?

Cosmetic tattoo procedures are considered semi-permanent, meaning they will fade over time and may need a touch up every 1-2 years. There will be an initial session and depending on our desired results, a second session 6 - 8 weeks after. Please note that final results can not be guaranteed as each clients skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. Every client heals differently and at different rates.

Are cosmetic and reconstructive tattoos permanent?

A cosmetic tattoo is designed to be semi-permanent. Due to the chemical nature of the pigments that are used and the depth the needles penetrate the skin, a cosmetic tattoo will fade over time. Your body will naturally metabolized the pigment and that timing and rate varies person to person. Cosmetic tattoos are designed to fade over time and ensures the ability to change and adjust your tattoo with change to your bone strict, muscle movement and desired look. 

What is the healing time after my tattoo procedure?

The full healing process takes 6-8 weeks; however, your visible top layers of skin will heal and your epidermis will naturally shed after 2 weeks. You may possibly experience slight swelling, redness, itchiness and flaking. Expect your tattoo to appear darker for the first few days. As your skin heals, your tattoo will become softened.

Failure to follow pre and  post care instructions may lead to infection, discoloration and loss of pigment. Color softens as it heals and color is less intense and defined. A touch up may or may not be necessary. Once the healing process is complete, final results can be determined. Please refer to pre and post care for details, precautions and instructions.


Does a cosmetic tattoo hurt?

Everyone has a different level of pain sensitivity. Before and during the procedure a topical anesthetic is applied to alleviate discomfort and applied throughout tattoo. Every effort is made to ensure your experience is as painless as possible.